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We work with outsourcing a V-14 Cineflex system is equipped with a Sony camera hdc-f950 and records 4:4:4 or 4:2:2 via Sony HDcam SRW-1 field recorder, we can also record directly to hard disc via a Aja Ki pro in Apple ProRes or to both tape and hard drive simultaneously to easily integrated your aerial material into your work flow. Other record formats are available upon prior notice.

Our complete video package includes
  • Cineflex v14 system
  • Fujinon ha 42 x 13.5 lens focal length (1x) 13.5 to 570 mm (2x) 27 to 1140mm
  • Fujinon ha 22 x 7.8 lens focal length: (1x) 7.8 to 172mm (2x) 15.6 to 344mm
  • HDcam SR-1 record deck
  • Aja ki pro hard drive recorder
  • Mission power supply to insure stable clean power
  • Nose Mount for Eurocopter AS350 and AS355 series
  • Transvideo HD pilot monitor and Panasonic 17 inch operator monitor *which allows director to view image along side operator
  • Experienced Cineflex operator
  • Cabling and monitor mounts for different installation configurations in helicopter cock pit
  • Airfilm Uni-Mount for additional mounting options
  • System Type 5-axis gyro-stabilized, Full Digital Servo and Control System, for maxim performance.
  • Small/Lightweight
  • Field of Regard Automatic and Steerable
  • Azimuth Coverage 360° Continuous
  • Operating Temperature -20° to +45° C
  • Camera Sony HDC-F950
  • Imaging Device 3-CCD 2/3"
  • Effective Pixels 1920(H) x 1080(V)
  • Aspect Ratio 16:9
  • Frame Rates 1080/24-30p, 1080/60i-50i,
  • Spectrum System F1.4 prism system
  • Built In Filters 1: Clear, 2: 1/4ND, 3:1/8ND, 4:1/16ND, 5:1/64ND
  • A: Cross, B: 3200K, C: 4300K, D: 6300K, E:8000K


Las atracciones turísticas más populares del país.





  • Heli Ancón, S.A.
    Aeropuerto Marcos A. Gelabert
    (MPMG), Hangar 27B.
    Ancón, Panamá
  • (507) 315-1840/(507) 315-1670
  • (507) 6450-9471
  • (507) 6611-1716 - Operaciones